Bildungs- und Seminarzentrum Schloss Kröchlendorff

Schloss Kröchlendorff

Winteracademy Kröchlendorff Castle

Guest Professor Violin

Prof. Tomasz Tomaszewski

Alumnus of Music School in Ople, the pupil of D. Sujata. He finished Warsaw Music Academy in the class of Prof. Wronski and S. Kawalla. Then he studied in Petersburg in the Class of Prof. Gutnikov and in Freiburg in the class of Prof Marschner. As the member of “Polnish Quartett” he won prizes in competitions in Munich and Belgrade. He has been the first concertmaster of “Deutsche Oper Berlin” since 1982. He is also the lecturer in Berlin “Universität der Künste” and the artistic director of “Kammersolisten der Deutschen Oper”. As a soloist he gave concerts in many European countries, the USA, Taiwan and Japan.


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