Bildungs- und Seminarzentrum Schloss Kröchlendorff

Schloss Kröchlendorff

Winteracademy Kröchlendorff Castle

The Course: Business Fundamentals for Musicians

The course deals with the essential know-how which musicians should have when they work freelance. Topics include which type of company to choose, social security for artists, and the collecting body that upholds the copyright interest of performing artists (GVL). A major focus will be on the relevant tax-laws for musicians e.g. value added tax and the taxation of foreign musicians. The aim is to provide the musician with fundamental business knowledge. This is needed to avoid most severe traps of freelance work and hence to save a lot of time, trouble, and money.

The Lecturer

Dr. Udoy M. Ghose

studied Business Administration and Economics at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main. At present he works as Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Potsdam. Previously, he worked for many years as Lecturer at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the Free University Berlin. During his time at school and as an university student he learned French Horn and Bass-Guitar at the Dr. Hoch’s Conservatorium and the Frankfurter Musikwerkstatt.


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