Bildungs- und Seminarzentrum Schloss Kröchlendorff

Schloss Kröchlendorff

Winteracademy Kröchlendorff Castle

Daniel Barenboim about the Winteracademy Schloss Kröchlendorff:

Daniel Barenboim / Foto Thomas Müller eastwest records
I find the establishment of the Winteracademy Schloss Kröchlendorff a wonderful idea and it receives my full support.

Schloß Krochlendorff has obtained in the last few years high recognition through its Chamber Music Festival and has become an irreplaceable part of the music and cultural region Brandenburg. The Regional Youth Orchestra Brandenburg, as well as numerous noted choirs, worked on parts of their successful concert repertoire here.

With its music seminars, master classes and concerts, the Winteracademy in Schloß Kröchlendorff fulfills an urgently needed addition to the educational spectrum for young, talented musicians and students in the region of Berlin-Brandenburg. The location, close to Berlin and its numerous theaters, orchestras, and two music conservatories, is ideal and could contribute to a growing closeness between Brandenburg and Berlin in cultural events.

The castle itself, lovingly renovated with designed rooms and well-groomed park grounds, as well as the quietness and seclusion of the area, offers the ideal conditions for creative, artistic activities.

I would like to recommend to all for whom it is possible, this worthwhile project in act and deed to support.

Berlin, the 24th of September, 1999

Daniel Barenboim
Daniel Barenboim


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